4. The Resurrection of Jesus (Advanced Theories)

1 year ago

(Originally posted on Mar 4, 2016)
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In this section, we'll look at popular theories used by scholars to combat the resurrection and show they are not nearly as strong as the resurrection argument.


N. T. Wright - The Resurrection of the Son of God

Mike Licona - The Resurrection of Jesus

Gary Habermas and Mike Licona - The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus

JP Holding - Defending the Resurrection

Antony Flew and Gary Habermas - Did the Resurrection Happen?

E.P. Sanders - Jesus and Judaism
E.P. Sanders - The Historical Figure of Jesus

Richard Bauckham - Jesus and the Eyewitnesses

J Warner Wallace - Cold Case Christianity

David A. deSilva - Honor, Patronage, Kinship, & Purity

Origen - Contra Celsum

Justin Martyr - Apology

Josephus - Antiquities

Richard Bauckham - Gospel Women

Tacitus - Annals

James Saurin - Sermons of the Rev. James Saurin

Jacob Kremer - Die Osterevangelien

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