Our Government's War With Russia - We The People Pay The Price

1 year ago

https://nutrientsurvival.com We, the United States of America, are at war with Russia.
Don’t be fooled by the fact that it’s just Ukrainian mercenaries that we’ve hired.
Think about it. They have our military equipment, our military training, our military intel, our military satellites, our military ammunition, and billions more of our military aid. $47 billion of it. Every cent of it paid for by the American taxpayer.
Why? Don’t you remember? It’s to stop Russian aggression and keep Ukraine free.
The sad part is, that after a year and half of fighting with no end in site, people here in the US are beginning to wake up and ask why again. That’s because the battlefields of Ukraine, as far as the average American is concerned, are a million miles away.
So what happens when you need to get our attention again?
You blow a pipeline. You attack the Kremlin. You blow a dam. You flood out the area. You watch a nuclear power plant meltdown. Got your attention again?
Let’s send some more money and give them those tanks and jets they need. Right.
In case you missed it, Ukrainian forces mounted a major counter offensive with Western tanks and fighting vehicles. It’s what they owe us. It’s what they need to do to show progress.
Ukraine says they’re winning. Russia says nope – they are.
I really don’t care.
I think Putin is the Devil, and Zelensky is the runner up.
What I care about is what this means for us. The United States of America.
And I’m almost convinced that the answer is - it doesn’t matter.
If Russia succeeds, they pick up a little land. And as they argue, land occupied by people that identify as Russian.
If Ukraine holds, they keep what they had before. And then they will start to march toward Crimea to take that back too while Russia is on their heals.
In the meantime, we burn American taxpayer dollars that could be better used at home.
If we really cared about the homeless, about the desolate, about the drug problem, about the youth, about the elderly… we’d be spending this money at home.
But we don’t. We care more about the war machine. We care more about lining the pockets of politicians and corporate bottom lines than we do about the average American.
I’m tired of it.
I’m tired of paying for this war with Russia.
I’m tired of paying for Zelensky’s ambitions too. The guy is a poser. I’m telling you, really. He was a comedian and actor before he took the helm of Ukraine. That’s what he did before being elected President. It’s like having Jerry Seinfeld calling the shots from the Oval Office.
Zelensky comes to work in his olive drab uniform – like I do – and for some reason the world falls in love with this guy. He’s like a real life action hero to all those elite wanna bees. It’s sickening the bromance our elected leaders have with this guy.
And mark my words, the second he sees Russia on their heels, he’s going to take all that fancy military technology we’ve given him, and he’s going to pursue. He’ll push – he’ll press – he’ll grab everything and anything he can. This guy is no hero. I’m telling you, he is a poser like we’ve never seen before. And Putin created him. To fight our war.
So where are we? And again, why do we care.
We care because we continue to send billions of US tax dollars to Ukraine.
We care because Ukraine actually can impact us here because they’re a big part of our global agricultural economy.
We care because the destruction of the Kakhova Dam that separates Ukraine from Russia in the Crimea region is going to cause massive global impact. Somebody blew it up. Both sides have motive. It really doesn’t matter at this point. The reservoir is draining and soon it will empty. There’s no stopping it.
And the impact is devastating with massive flooding -- the destruction of towns and cities today – maybe even a nuclear power plant that melts down because it doesn’t have water to cool it anymore..
But being in the food industry, what I see is the destruction of croplands. Even with the war, Ukraine is still the breadbasket of the world -- a major supplier of wheat, corn, barley…. 15% or so on their own. And if they can’t help supply the world, that means people will go hungry, and the greedy corporations that make our food will line their pockets with whatever they can get from you.
You see the entire area uses irrigation provided by the Kakhova reservoir. Now they’re under water. And next year after the reservoir has completely drained out, the fields of southern Ukraine will “turn into deserts”
Hear me folks. I’m fed up with this proxy war. I say let Ukraine fend for themselves. We have enough problems of our own.

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