MR. NON-PC - The Weak Kids Who Are Immune To Physical Activity And Doing Chores

11 months ago

The other day I saw something so rare.....two kids actually playing outside! And it's something you never see anymore, because they're all just playing video games or watching TV or on the internet or whatever!

I can remember being younger and you'd always be playing outside with friends and running around for hours. And when we came home were had to do chores, homework and go to bed.

But these lazy parents (which probably should have never had kids in the first place) allow their kids to boss them around and bully them into doing whatever they want, instead of the parents being parents!!

But I blame most of the blame on the lazy parents (or parent) who don't even get their kids to make their bed at the very least!

And never have I seen so many obese little kids, that look almost like little versions of the Michelin man or the stay puff marshmallow man!!! Not only are the adults real fat now...but the kids are too!!

But this came about because many of these parents NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAD KIDS!!

The only way to really reverse this is to give kids responsibilities, and stop BEING WEAK! Men gotta start being REAL MEN...not this beta boy crap that's been foisted upon us all.

Start making the kids play outside and do chores again!!!

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