1 year ago

“Of all the world religions, only Born-Again Christians can successfully defend against CIA/DIA Mind Control technologies “ (per Dr.Robert Duncan, PhD, CIA & U.S. Department of Defense).

The Active Faith of True Christians who follow a Pure Gospel & Sound Doctrine who have love affair with Jesus Christ and live a holy & righteous life (Active Faith) acts as a mental shield against CIA Mind Control technologies.

The probability ratios & matrices of their technology are repeatedly failing against one category of people. It is repeatedly failing against what Government Contractors call the ‘JESUS FREAKS’ meaning those Born-Again Christians, whose Active Faith is based on a pure gospel (sound bible based doctrine) of Jesus Christ.

A Pure Gospel not only breaks brain entrainment with their RNM System of Remote Neural Networks but DE-PATTERNS, or deconstructs, their ability to rewire the victims memory and thought process.

CIA/DIA Contractors have no choice but to torture and kill True Christians because their mind control technology is failing across the board against this small sub-category of the public, meaning the Re-Born from Above Child of God in Christ Jesus

“They manipulate people using the ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ and if you can purify yourself spiritually [in Christ] then they have no levers left with which to control you” (per Dr Robert Duncan, PhD, CIA & U.S. Department of Defense).

The seven deadly sins in the Bible are known as capital vices, or cardinal sins, because it is from the Seven Deadly Sins that all other sins arise out of. Immoral behaviors or habits fall under these seven categories because they are the main sins that give rise to all other immoralities. They are pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth.

CIA/DIA Contractors target people with the Seven Deadly Sins to learn how to achieve Direct Behavioral Control over the masses. Why? Because the faith & belief system of religious groups, especially Born-Again Christians, is an important METRIC for CIA/DIA training research & development in Artificial Super-Intelligence technologies. Most of the mega-churches in America are infiltrated by Deep State Contractors masquerading as Christians for this same reason

CIA DIA Government Perpetrators are using a 'fabricated or falsified stream' of electromagnetic low frequency waves specifically tuned to your brain wave signature interfacing with the nanotechnology in your brain to speak to and decode the neurotransmitters in your mind in order to collect and catalog your memories, interpret those memories (remote neural monitoring) and interfere with your memory and thought process (remote neural manipulation).

Once you become dependent (ie. you believe their, mental suggestions & impulse injections [emotions] are your own) on the RNM system's output which could be a specific memory attack using a forced speech sequence, directed energy attack, etc., (or they believe your responses to those fabricated and falsified mental suggestions and emotions are consistent) they will begin to fabricate additional 'subconscious responses' which they will pretend are indicators of honesty/dishonesty, positive recognition, anxiety, etc, and they will use these 'impulse injections' (emotions) to convince you that the fabricated responses are your own.

If you are unaware of this constant mental manipulation the system will begin to shape your thoughts and behavior. They will use this to [attempt to] restrict your thoughts and behavior by blocking (interfering with] your memory and thought process) while these mental suggestions (injected impulses) are being provided - the interference is triggered and can be activated at will by the attackers.  These mental suggestions happen hundreds of times a day.

A computer multiplexer routes the signal to a tower, satellite or mobile platform and the tower satellite or mobile platform relays the signal to the digital receiver similar to how cell phone technology works

The digital receiver is tracked & pinpointed in real time just like a cell phone, except with CIA DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL technology the digital receiver is not a phone.  It is a human brain

Only the Trauma Based Mind Control victim absorbs the stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves or feels its effects because that stream is specifically tuned to the brain wave signature of the victim, which then interface with the nanotechnology in the victims brain.  This is because only the victim possess that specific brain wave signature that the stream is specifically tuned into

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