JUAN O SAVIN- DEEP STATE PANIC in DC - AMP James Grundvig, Jim Price 6 9 2023

10 months ago

Whole Show this time includes Ads. A dynamite MSM appearance by Lara Logan and Jim Price with a new show fill in for Josh Reid. James Grundvig tells a story and Juan finishes with a great navigation of the Deep State Plan and it is not good. Get your head in the GAME. This is a warning. It is not just something out of your zone. This is something that is close at hand. Canada is way worse. What does that mean. Backing down is not an option. They used IP addresses for money coming in. It is ALL on record.. it is the WAY they moved money. YOU MUST UNDERSTAND HOW THIS WORKS. The identity transfers of Money BY YOUR BANKS is being done by the INTERNET PROVIDERS. And if you think about it.. it is BRILLIANT! WE HAVE EVERYTHING. Don't be worn out when we are winning. Everyone else must be just put aside.

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