罗恩·迪恩 (Rowan Dean):世卫组织急切希望达成某种全球大流行病条约

1 year ago

Rowan Dean: WHO desperately wants some global pandemic treaty...in the worst-case scenario...WHO will have the power to say that such-and-such a country is in a pandemic and must lock it down... the wanton definition of the state of the pandemic worldwide!

罗恩·迪恩 (Rowan Dean):世卫组织急切希望达成某种全球大流行病条约……在最坏的情况下……世卫组织将有权说某某国家处于大流行病状况,必须予以封锁……全球范围内的肆意定义大流行病的状态!

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