
1 year ago

They know that ivermectin/hydroxychloroquine is effective against covid-19 and could save thousands of lives...
But they don't allow people to use it because they know they'll make billions from an ineffective vaccine. Bill Gates and Fauci (NIH) funded the EcoHealth Alliance to create the coronavirus (COVID) in the Wuhan lab…

他们知道伊维菌素/硫酸羟氯喹对新冠病毒有效并且可以挽救成千上万人的生命……但他们不允许使用,因为他们知道他们会从无效疫苗中赚取数十亿美元。比尔盖茨和福奇 (NIH) 都资助了在武汉实验室创建新冠病毒的生态健康联盟 ……

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