John Ansell Stands Up and Speaks Out at Ashley Bloomfield Speaking Event in Upper Hutt

1 year ago

Ashley Bloomfield spoke in Upper Hutt, after his talk, they took about four questions then Bloomfield left the stage. John wanted to have his say on behalf of so many people in New Zealand, so he did! Unfortunately, like seals, everyone clapped to try to drown him out. John also sings us one of his songs. Original video from John Angels Facebook page.

This comment from Lynda Wharton of Health Forum NZ is what Ashley Bloomfield should have heard last night

"I have been at the coalface of the trauma induced by Ashley Bloomfield for the past 2 years. In response to a call out from me prior to a meeting with the Human Rights Commissioner i received TWO THOUSAND emails from New Zealanders whose lives were shattered by Ashley Bloomfield's refusal to grant medical exemptions to New Zealanders for whom a shot of Pfizer held the potential for a lifetime of suffering or death. Many people who had taken dose one and suffered serious injury such as heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis, paralysis and more. All REFUSED an exemption or told to instead take a dose of Astra Zeneca. Many of the emails were from people who had experienced life threatening anaphylaxis (and hospitalisation) from dose 1 (an acknowledged risk for those with PEG allergy). Even when Pfizer was the only option in NZ, these people had their medical exemptions DECLINED by Bloomfield and told that in order to keep their jobs they must take the next dose of Pfizer in a hospital ED with a resus team on hand. Ordinary New Zealanders have absolutely NO IDEA of the crimes that were committed by our government during this shameful period of our history. Two years on The Health Forum NZ continues to work with chronically injured New Zealanders, most of whom have been denied ACC, and are now too sick to work (possibly ever again). Teenagers living with potentially permanent heart damage and people of all ages completely broken. If anybody reading this does not believe me i invite you to read just a small handful of true stories that we have published on our website"

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