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CHDTV主持人Polly Tommey:做好准备 辉瑞RSV疫苗批准信号“即将到来”

1 year ago

Polly Tommey, host of CHDTV: Get ready for the Pfizer RSV vaccine approval signal "coming soon". I have been in this industry for a long time and understand their rules of the game. I can see the warning signs, and then we will see a huge increase in panic-making news. So as to achieve the effect that they make, you have to be vaccinated!

CHDTV主持人Polly Tommey:做好准备 辉瑞RSV疫苗批准信号“即将到来”,像我从事这个行业很长时间懂得他们的游戏规则我可以看到警告信号,接下来会看到制造恐慌的新闻大幅增加从而达到他们让你必须注射疫苗的效果!

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