League of Legends - Daily ARAM - Thresh (3)

1 year ago

Yi, Anivia, Kayle, Katarina, and Rummus

Nami, Thresh, Zed, Gragas, and Kaisa

0:00 Start
We had the poke advantage so I think we had the slight edge to win.

1:30 First Blood Fight
Didn't notice that it was 4 v 5 so not sure how we got first blood. We poked Rammus down earlier but this time around he took a snowball into me and got killed.

5:20 First Death
Took awhile to kill me and I died under tower stuck behind Ani's wall.

10:52 First T1 Tower Destroyed - Red
12:12 Kaisa Pentakill
12:30 T1 Tower Destroyed - Blue
16:00 T2 Tower and Inhib Destroyed - Blue
Another teamfight win and Opponent resigns.

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