E1 God Is Still Writing Your Story. Stop Trying to Steal the Pen

1 year ago

Do you struggle with letting God be in control? Are you in the habit of grabbing the pen and trying to force your life in a certain direction? If so, how did or is that going for you? You aren’t alone. The Bible is full of stories about people who struggle with the same things, and full of examples of what can happen depending on which side you are on. But God has a perfect plan for our lives. If we willingly give him back the pen, the remaining chapters of our story will be penned to perfection. Tune in to see how you can and why you should let God write your story.

We are thrilled and excited to launch Episode 1 of Live Life in the Spirit! Join us, Pastor Penny Schulz and Kristen Scharrenberg, adventurers through the holy lands and warriors in Christ, as we explore the fascinating, the weird, the difficult, and the obscure while unpacking the Bible. Come and see as we dig into spiritual warfare and the fallen realm, aliens and UFOs, the Nephilim or Rephaim, prophecy, angels, giants and so much more! We promise to bring you joy, hope, inspiration, and intriguing, out-of-the box thinking, and ultimately salvation through Jesus Christ.

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