Silver in Camelot Castle

1 year ago

Hello friends, it's Friday, and you know what that means right? Yes indeed, it's time for another video here on the channel!

In today's video, we're doing something a little bit different! That's correct, it is Silver The Hedgehog in Camelot Castle in Sonic Generations!

Quite the mod combination, eh?

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it as always. Also, be sure to like, comment, subscribe, and share! Also also, be sure to leave any future video ideas you might have in the comments too. I love to hear them!:)

And with all that explained and such, I hope you all have a great day and a great weekend too! Until next time, have fun, and seeya later!:)

Here are the mods I used btw:
Camelot Castle mod by Melpontro:
Real Silver Mod by UltimateDarkman:

Also please guys, follow me on Twitter. I have like 2 followers, lol:

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