Newfoundland - NTV News reporter supports Drag Queen Show and gets lambasted on Twitter

1 year ago

Beth Penney from NTV News didn't quite get the response on her Twitter post as she expected, in fact, she got lambasted.

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So, the teachers at St. Matthew's School in St. John's, Newfoundland received backlash for hosting a (Drag Queen) and now here on June 9th they've gathered (The Rainbow Mafia) to shout for safe schools.

The question is, safe from who?

And NTV News was there to cheer them on.

The Back Story Below.

Drag Queen Invited to perform at K-Grade 7 school in Newfoundland

This was the scene on June 2nd at St. Matthew's School in St. John's, NL.

This video was posted to Twitter by grade 5 teacher Colin Barry.

At the moment this all looks as innocent as Santa during December, however, what's not talked about is the dark side of Drag Queen Shows in other places across Canada and America.

So, the question is, are teachers such as Colin Barry unaware, or are they complicit?

The LGBTQ has its tentacles all over elementary schools across Canada and America.

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