Live your authentic life

1 year ago

When we live the life we think we should live we stop living the life we want to live.

Society has us brainwashed into accepting set norms, like go to school to get a decent education and qualifications, wake, work 9-5, marry, have kids, eat, sleep, rinse…repeat (well, you get the idea!)

There’s actually so much out there that you’re missing when you stay in that ‘comfort zone’.

The partner, 2.5 kids, white picket fence, career etc, it might all be your ideal, your dream. If that’s your goal, that’s amazing.

For others, you might not be entirely satisfied and you might feel like something is missing, something just isn’t quite right

Living your truth becomes a reality the day you decide to take control of your life, and do things daily that bring you happiness and joy. 

Ask yourself this, if money, time, excuses or the opinions of others weren’t an issue and you were simply yourself - what would you be doing with your time?

Once you have the answer, ask yourself if you’re doing what you desire with your time? If not then how can you take steps to do so?

If you want more of what your soul craves and less of what doesn’t bring you joy, but you don’t know where to start then comment ‘JOY’ 😃 or DM me

There is a way you can achieve all that your soul craves and desires

We are only here for a very short while, we should be doing things that light us up, make us glow and bring us joy ❤️

"Happiest are those who do not look for other people’s opinions as approval to be their natural, authentic Self. Don’t wait for another’s judgment before giving yourself permission to be who you love to be and live your life how you love to live it. Opinions from the outside matter not. You know exactly who you are meant to be. ✨ Dive in. Be more of yourself, less of others." (Bentinho Massaro) #

#consciousliving #healing #inspirational #highticketaffiliatemarketing #authenticself #aspirations #goals #liveyourlife #bentinhomassaro

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