Headlines with Heidi! We just gave the water people more power over water!

1 year ago

The legislature just gave the SNWA (Southern Nevada Water Authority) unprecedented power over how much water we use, and what kind of fixtures we are allowed to install. AB220, passed by the Nevada Legislature, aided by some wimpy Republicans, was signed by Governor Lombardo. I'm shocked.

THEY get to define what an "emergency" is, and haven't we all learned what happens when THEY get to define that?

Read the bill for yourself: https://www.leg.state.nv.us/Session/82nd2023/Bills/Amendments/A_AB220_R2_735.pdf

Also, I'm starting something NEW! A new podcast dn video series called "Don't Shrink Back!" You can find that at dontshrinkback.com or Rumble: Don't Shrink Back

LIVE radio Sunday nights 7-9 CT
97.1 FM Talk St. Louis.
Podcast: Heidi Harris Show
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Books: Don't Pat me on The Head! https://www.amazon.com/Dont-Pat-Me-Head-Comebacks/dp/1984195263
Cocktail Waitress Wisdom https://www.amazon.com/Cocktail-Waitress-Wisdom-lessons-carrying/dp/0982983506

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