Not Enough Time To Workout?

1 year ago

So you’re fat but you don’t have enough time to work out? You think it’s impossible to lose weight without exercise or doing cardio? Keep watching.
I often hear people say: “yeah, I know I’m too fat, but really, I have no time to work out”. Do you really think losing fat requires working out, doing lots of cardio, or exercise in general? Sure it helps burning more calories. But is it really necessary? No, not at all. Losing weight comes down to calories in versus calories out. If you take in less calories than you burn on a daily basis, you WILL lose weight. You might not have time to exercise, but you always have time to take in less calories. And no, you don’t have to drive up your metabolic rate to lose calories ; that is a myth and it’s wrong. Do you really think if you stop taking in calories now, just drinking water and taking in vitamins and minerals, that you will NOT lose weight? Surely you will lose weight, and you will keep losing weight till you die from starvation, and yes indeed, without having to do any exercise. So stop making this excuse ‘I don’t have time to work out or do cardio”. You simply do NOT have to do it, that simple. Eat and drink less calories than you burn every day and you WILL lose weight. And, by the way, do you really think that I have that much time to look like this consistently? I have a wife and 3 kids, with whom I spend a lot of time, I am a clinical dermatologist and see many patients in my clinic 5 days a week. I run 2 youtube channels, I review medical articles, I do online coaching of international clients, I read books and so on, and next to all that I manage to work out 4 times a week for 1 hour. In total 4 hours per week. I am sure everyone can spend 4 hours of his or hers week doing some form of exercise, in stead of spending it eating out, sitting on the bench watching stupid television series or listening to mainstream media fake news. I recently saw an obese doctor giving health advice. Just like I don’t trust the judgement of someone wearing a useless facemask, I do NOT take advice from a so called television “expert” about health when he or she is clearly not fit him/herself.
Anyways, in conclusion: I am sure you have some hours a week to spend on exercise, and even if you really have NOT, still you can lose weight just by taking in less calories. I am sure you can find time for that!
✅ ➜Watch This Next: "Complete Guide to Weight Loss"

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