Smokey Bear N' Da Boyz | Rapping Forest Fire PSA (4k) HD [Audio Fixed](1995)

1 year ago

The ad council is always ready to jump in with a rap about forest fires, aids, seat belts, drugs, you name- they rap about it. In this cartoon, Smokey schools some rats on fire safety. Fire safety tip 1: Don't just light matches and throw them in the woods. Which, is a solid tip in preventing fires. It's a good first step for sure. Fire safety tip 2: Rap about step 1, splah.

"One day these rats were playing in the woods.
(Playing?) with matches and that's no gooood
Listen to Smokey before you give it a try..."

I actually used to work with Smokey. Not the animated bear from this video, but an angry, angry old man. Smokey would look for any opportunity to tell his favorite forest story. I must have heard him tell it to random people a dozen times... So anyway, when Smokey was younger (but still the same amount of angry) he lived in a mobile home for a while. Like an actually mobile home, an RV. So Smokey had spent all his money on cigarettes and malt liquor 40's and couldn't afford to heat his RV with propane and propane related accessories. It's cold in the forest, very cold. So one morning he wakes up after making love to a beautiful lady, and as he's getting his jeans on, his bare ass hits the window of the RV. Imagine the scene from "A Christmas Story" where that kid gets his tongue stuck on a frozen flag pole. But instead it's Smokey (The Angry Old Man, not the Bear) with his bare ass frozen to the window of his RV. When I asked he he escaped his frozen ass tomb, he said he had to "wiggle and jiggle" himself free. Ok then.

Smokey The Bear was born August 9, 1944. His dad was Harry Rossoll.

Here's some other fun PSAs

This one features sexy ladies talking about seatbelts (nothing sexier than safety...amiright?):

Another fire safety PSA featuring Twilight Zone Narrator Rod Serling:

A 1960's bubblegum pop group sings about these new fangled post office zip does:

A scary seatbelt PSA with a guy wrapped up like The Mummy:

1995. Ad Council PSA (Rapping all the way)

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