I'm a huge FAN of This Punishing Gray Raven Character - Hanying Beta Test

1 year ago

Here are some of my live unfiltered thoughts on Hanying the New physical support coming to Punishing Gray Raven CN.
Some additional details I found online.

Video Footage Courtesy of Rexlent: https://www.youtube.com/@Rexlent
I had avoided sharing the name incase there could be consequences for their channel. After confirming it was an open beta I wanted to share their channel. Make sure to drop a like on their video!

※ Hanying·清商 will be coming soon!
â—‡A Rank
â—‡Frame Type/Support Type
â—‡Weapon/Folding Fan

"It's the first time I've met you, Commandant. My name is Hanying.
I heard about you and the Babylonia from Pu Lao. I wanted to meet you a long time ago...
All in all, I hope you can give me your advice in the future."

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