‘De-Spike’ Naturally: Recovery Insights from Dr. Paul Marik

1 year ago

“Cyanide kills you quickly; spike protein kills you slowly.” Here’s what you can do to counteract its negative effects while achieving peak health along the way.

Read more on https://dailyclout.io/de-spike-naturally-recovery-insights-from-dr-paul-marik/

Read my articles: http://vigilantfox.substack.com

Discover what Pfizer & the FDA wanted to hide for 75 years: https://bit.ly/PfizerBook

Unlimited supplements & telehealth visits w/ The Wellness Company for $199/month: https://bit.ly/1-Wellness

C19 Vaccine Adverse Event Recovery: https://tinyurl.com/Vax-Injury-Recovery

Take measures against shedding and the harms of spike protein with The Wellness Company's spike support formula: https://bit.ly/Spike-Support

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