Tasmanian Pulpits will soon be Empty. Prophetic Word.

1 year ago

Excepts from a personal word from the Lord.
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Soon I will open the doors of repentance. Many will be seeking freedom. Do not fear the work. I will help you do it with joy. You have sown the seeds and you will carry back the sheaves rejoicing.

The pulpits will soon be empty because of the unwise decisions made and agreed upon concerning the vaccinations. They have dug their pits and will be swallowed up.
Many will be without direction. Feed them my word. Not what they desire. They will be remorseful and ears will be open. Iy will lead to much growth here in Tasmania.
The truth is the thing that makes us free. Freedom is coming like a hurricane. All that's not solid will fall.

Tasmania, Your Time is Now.
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Tasmania, you had become a laughing stock. A place where dragons and owls dwell. A place where My ways were forsaken and religion and tradition ruled. Where men spoke of prosperity I would send, and kept My people bound in their places looking for advantage, when no advantages were coming.
Men were teaching covetousness and greed and spiritual adultery. So much so that the entire state was overrun by the worshippers and followers of the enemy of men’s freedom. And they set their kingdom ahead of all others and have entrenched themselves in all areas of society, right under the noses of those who proclaim My name, and call themselves Shepherds and Pastors, watchmen and gatekeepers, and have taken My people captive. Blinding their eyes and deafening their ears by their witchcrafts aimed at the heads, all the way to the tails.
The weak and the sick have been driven out of My house, their freedom was not a priority, of those who placed themselves in positions I did not give them. And just like Amalek, who attacked the weak, the old and the sick of My people, the lowly and the rejected were tossed out to the wolves.
And while My Kingdom was proclaimed to be built, it was being dismantled by the enemy, who has been sent against what I consider to be My enemies now, in the current religious systems.
No longer will I tolerate the apathy and the lies that men are teaching and preaching. I gave you space to repent but your idolatry to your own selves has poisoned you to any truth. So your end is come. I will raise shepherds from the flock out of those you have rejected, and if this shame will not turn you to repentance, but if you harden your heart, then a quick end will befall you. No more will you be a stumbling block to the goodness I want to bring to this Island.
The foundation of Baal is falling and the true strength and life and faith is arising in the called out ones. They are not tainted with mens ways, but have escaped the wiles of the enemy, because their hearts were set on Me, Not on self-serving agendas and greed and lust.
Those who serve Me will I magnify, and those who will be obedient will I make into pillars of righteousness and lights in the darkness.
Get ready Tasmania, your time is now. Lift up your hands and say, “Send Me Lord, I Am Willing”, because My ears are open to those faithful ones, and they will see “Great and Mighty Things that they know not.

To him who has, more will be given, and he shall have abundance

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