Judaism, Homosexuality & The Alt Right (10-18-17)

1 year ago

Oct. 8, 2017: http://lukeford.net/blog/?p=117883 We discuss the Las Vegas slaughter and the Andrew Joyce's essay on homosexuality and the Alt Right.

* The Messiah Will Purify Jewish Bloodlines.

* We discuss Count Joseph Arthur de Gobineau (14 July 1816 – 13 October 1882).

* From page 46 of the book Anti-Semitism Before the Holocaust by Albert S Lindemann: The writings of the widely recognized ‘father of modern racism,’ Count Arthur de Gobineau, further suggest some of the overlooked intricacies of racist thinking in regard to the Jews in the nineteenth century…

Gobineau pushed what could be called the essentialist core of racist thinking to its logical conclusion: environment did not explain the rise of civilizations but rather inherent racial genius did; the decline of civilizations was due to the dilution of that genius through race mixing. The phrase in Disraeli’s novel, ‘all is race; there is no other truth,’ was thus consistent with Gobineau’s theories. Revealingly, Gobineau considered the Jews to be one of the superior ‘white’ races and approved of their efforts throughout history to remain racially pure…

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