God's Covenant with Abraham: The Sign and Promise.12

1 year ago

The sign of the covenant

God appeared to Abram, Abram prostrated before him, then God said that your name will no longer be Iram, but Abraham, because I will make you the father of many nations, I am your God and the God of your generations.

I will give you and your descendants after you all the land of Kistan in which you are a stranger.

This country will become a permanent possession for your generation.

God said, obey my covenant, and your generation after you also obey it.

Judaism is my covenant that is between me and you and your generation after you, which you will obey, that every male child of your generation should be circumcised.

Every boy in your house should be circumcised one after the other.
When he is eight days old.

God told Abraham now to call his wife Sarah, Sarah, I will bless her.

I will also give her a son, she will be the mother of many nations. From his descendants there will be many kings.

Ibrahim laughed and said to himself. Will a child be born from a hundred year old man?

As I am now a hundred years old, will a child be born from Sarah's womb while she is ninety years old?

Abraham asked God, can Ishmael not be my heir?

God has said that a daughter will be born to your wife Sarah, you should call her Astan.

I will make an everlasting covenant with his descendants.

I heard your prayers for Ishmael too, I will bless him too.

I will also raise twelve chieftains from his descendants and make him a great nation.

On the same day, Abraham circumcised his son Ishmael and all the members of his household, fulfilling God's covenant. Abraham was ninety years old when he was circumcised.

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