Stations of the Cross by Fr. Patrick Healy, O.M.I.

1 year ago

Born and raised in Charlestown, Massachusetts on June 1, 1921, Fr. Patrick Healy, O.M.I. has dedicated the past 100 years of his life to God, his religious order, the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI), to the United States Army and to the men and women who have served our country. Fr. Healy was the ninth of a family of ten children and was raised by two devout Catholics. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 2, 1947. He had a bachelor's degree, two masters' degrees, and an honorary doctorate from the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Over the course of his life, Fr. Healy has been an educator and served 25 years as an army chaplain in Japan, Korea, two tours in Vietnam (for which he received 3 Bronze Stars), Okinawa, and Germany. His last mission was to serve as the Chaplain at the Old Soldiers Home in Chelsea, Massachusetts. Fr. Healy wrote this recording of the Lord's Passion and the Stations of the Cross when he was serving during the Vietnam War. He would recite the Stations of the Cross to the men from the front of his jeep, as the men had no books to follow. Fr. Healy died on Jan. 12, 2022- after serving Our Lord and His children for 75 years as a priest.

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