15 Most Merciless Lion Attacks!

11 months ago

15 Most Merciless Lion Attacks!
Female lions are also known as lionesses and they’re the ones that usually bring back the bacon for the pride. They are 30% faster than male lions and male lions need to preserve their energy so they can protect the pride from intruders. However, when the prey is too large, the lion often assists the females. Let’s find out how these master predators handle the dinner table as we countdown 15 most merciless lion attacks.


This lion chases a buffalo on its own and manages to cling its massive paws on the big beast, that is until the rest of the herd finishes their coffee break and helps their friend. That’s when the young lion is in trouble and runs to safety before it’s too late. But the lions regroup and charge once again, this time isolating one of the buffalos and clearly trapping it for good. Dinner is served. In this video, this male buffalo charges this male lion, so the lion kind of moves out of the way to let the buffalo pass, but it’s a strategy so he can flank the buffalo and bring it down. The male lion helps his girlfriend and has no problem tackling this large prey.

Once the buffalo is down, some other pride members join in the fun, until they notice something interesting and lose interest in the buffalo. I have no clue what it is, but it arouses their curiosity. It’s two for one in the bush today, so these lions take advantage and rush to the scene to capture a buffalo calf and its mother, although the mother tried to save her calf. It’s a sad situation for the buffalo, but it’s the reality of life in the African savannah. This lioness has dug a hole in this buffalo’s back and she keeps making it bigger and bigger until she takes a break. The rest of the pride is nearby, but for some reason, they leave the buffalo alone. I guess they’re waiting for it to weaken before striking again.

This male lion puts on a show as he jumps on this buffalo in the middle of the road in front of a huge crowd of safari tourists looking on. In the Serengeti, a pride of lions killed a big buffalo. The African buffalo, which may weigh up to 910 kg and is widely regarded as extremely dangerous, is responsible for more human deaths in Africa than any other large animal. Unfortunately, when the hungry lions approached, this muscular male was hurt and had little chance against the pride. This male lion looks like an NFL linebacker the way it pursues this buffalo and eventually tackles it to the ground. A friend joins the hunt, but it doesn’t look like his help will be needed. Finally, this huge buffalo is in big trouble as an entire pride of lions tries to bring it down. The buffalo resists to the best of its abilities, but when you have 5 or 6 aggressive felines biting into your flesh, it doesn’t feel like a shiatsu massage, even though those can be painful at times.


This lioness blasts out of the starting blocks like Usain Bolt and has no problem surprising and capturing this wildebeest. The element of surprise during an ambush is key for it to be successful. A herd of wildebeest runs away from a few lionesses, but the last one in line doesn’t make it when it is snatched by one of the hunters. When the hunt begins, it’s every animal for itself, most of the time, and unfortunately, this wildebeest was too slow. These female lions use the long blades of the red oat grass as camouflage, so they can ambush a wildebeest and make the kill in seconds. They decide to go on a feeding frenzy using the same strategy every time.

The hungry Lionesses assault from all sides as migrating herds approach the tiny river to drink. With zebra and wildebeests racing in all directions, the situation for the animals is in shambles. One of the wildebeest is isolated from the herd, and that’s when lionesses have their best chance of making the kill and that’s exactly what happens in this clip. In this video, you can see a lioness bring down a wildebeest faster than a rodeo cowboy ties his rope around a calf. Finally, this lion demonstrates the art of choking your victim, as he strangles this wildebeest until it cannot breathe any longer.

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