Our Cold-Weather Planting Strategy for Successful Crops in a 1,700-Square-Foot Garden

1 year ago

In this video, we take you along for our initial planting session at our 1,700 square foot community garden. We grow 100% of our plants from seed ourselves.

Growing in an exceptionally cold climate, we generally have to be quite strategic about how we go about planting. We use a strategy of planting our cold hardy and frost tolerant crops first, then once we're confident there won't be any late frosts, move into our frost sensitive crops.

This saved our bacon (broccoli?) this year since we ended up getting a hard frost plus about 1/4 inch of snow just days after we transplanted.

Lots of other good tidbits in this video as well. We hope you enjoy!

As always, you can find tons of cold climate and subarctic focused growing information at https://FrostyGarden.com

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