Warrior Blade: Rastan Saga Episode III [longplay] 1991 Arcade

1 year ago

Being a big fan of Rastan my entire life dating back to the arcades at the bowling alley, I always found myself going back to that game. Sadly, the sequel sucked. Little did I know until someone in Facebook groups mentioned it, but there was a 3rd title, released only in Japan. I found it and gave it a shot. I did not love nor hate it. It was a very well done game for its time. I only wish I played it in 1991 for the first time rather than 2023, because visually it is a pleasing game.

Warrior Blade: Rastan Saga Episode III is an arcade beat 'em up game released by Taito in 1991. The sequel to Rastan Saga II, it is a weapons brawler similar to Golden Axe. Its main feature is the use of dual screens to depict the action. There are three characters to select: a warrior named Rastan, a hireling named Dewey, and a thief named Sophia. Although the game was only released in Japan, the text is in both Japanese and English. The game was later re-released as part of Taito Memories.


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