Don’t let these Demons switch up & change up the meaning of WOKE !

1 year ago

Salute 🫡 to this sister for speaking truth to power !
I wanna add that #Woke is Blk ppl WAKING UP to The TRUTH and now Seeing the Lies !
This is something that these demons hate and fear ! So they are trying to make woke mean something else .. like how they hijacked #BlackLivesMatter !
They are trying to now hijack and change #Wokeness !
🚨 Woke is NOT #lgbtq or #transrights or any of those rainbow mafia communities! 🚨
We see the games they are trying to play but it’s not working !
To be #AntiWoke is being Anti TRUTH !
They don’t wanna face he truth ! So they are trying to break all the mirrors 🪞!

#StayWoke #FBA Fam ! 👊🏾

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