97. Cracking the College Cost Code: Strategies for Category 3 Families

1 year ago

In this episode of the College Knowledge Podcast, sponsored by the College Planning Network and Paradigm Financial Group, hosts Dave Kozak and Joe Kerins dive into the complex world of college costs for category 3 families. They address the misconception that making too much money means no financial aid is available and discuss the potential pitfalls of not planning strategically.

With insights from their experience at Elite Collegiate Planning, Dave and Joe explain why school choice is crucial for category 3 families and how paying the sticker price at top-tier universities can be a significant financial burden. They emphasize the importance of understanding the college financial aid system, including the distinction between need-based and merit-based aid.

The hosts highlight various strategies that category 3 families can employ to optimize their college funding. They explore the concept of using other people's money (OPM) and tax strategies to offset college expenses, ultimately helping families reduce costs and maximize their savings for the future. They also stress the significance of finding the right school fit and leveraging merit-based aid opportunities.

Throughout the episode, Dave and Joe stress the importance of planning and being well-informed to avoid overpaying for college. They encourage listeners to visit elitecollegiateplanning.com to gain a deeper understanding of the college funding game and the role of school choice. They also offer free consultations for personalized guidance in navigating the complexities of college costs.

If you're a category 3 family or know someone who is, this episode provides valuable insights and strategies to help you make informed decisions and achieve better outcomes in college funding. Don't miss out on the opportunity to save money and secure your financial future. Book a free consultation today at elitecollegiateplanning.com. Remember, plan early and pay less!

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