1 year ago



The intention here is NOT to paint those perceived to be “robber barons” (the Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, Morgans, Carnegies, et al) as the “good guys.” It's true, many of those families were involved in some pretty outrageously criminal things, including the formation of the Federal Reserve (with the help of government). And, it's also true that the bad guys are always a part of government. Anybody who gets the government involved in controlling things is an enemy of the common man. Truth is truth though, and the truth is that, the innovation and competition of these companies made life better for everyone. Railroads, for example, enabled companies to transport their goods much faster than had ever been accomplished, leading to massive growth, expansion and price reduction. Which lead to more companies competing in the marketplace. Yes, the owners of these companies grew rich and yes wealthy people want to eventually gain more and more power and control...however, when governments get involved in price fixing and eliminating competition, these wealthy people end up gaining more power in the long run.
If government is the answer then people are obviously asking the wrong question. The free market is the answer to our problems.

Part 1: https://youtu.be/p-w9TwHLTTY
Part 2: https://youtu.be/XxKYQGPB5cE

Let me know if you wanna see Part 4.... If you wanna support more educational videos like this....the links are below: THANK YOU!

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