Why Stock Market Indices (QQQ, DIA, SPY) Split in DIFFERENT Directions

1 year ago

Learn about concerns regarding the influence of a few companies on the stock market in this insightful video. Discover how the S&P 500 Index, once seen as balanced and fair, may actually be heavily biased due to its mathematical calculation. Contrasting it with the Dow Jones Industrial Average, explore different approaches to index calculation. Gain insights into the significant market cap of Apple and its impact on the S&P 500. Understand the historical context of index formation and its relation to employment. Explore the concept of a 'wall of worry' and how current market dynamics differ. Find out why large funds and money managers are pouring money into mega-cap stocks and the potential implications. Lastly, consider alternative investment options like T-bills and their safety and potential returns. Discover how machine learning components provide additional data and insights into market sentiment.

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