Flavor Odyssey – Beyond the Barber Pole

11 months ago

Get ready for the newest segment in this year’s Flavor Odyssey journey, as your hosts Robby and Randy will be exploring trends in the cigar industry. This week, we tackle multi-wrapper cigars such as the barber pole (or even more intricately wrapped variations) and what drink will pair best.


Randy: Black Label Neon Tiger & Lime Whiskey Sour 👎🏻
Robby: RoMa Craft CRAFT 2013 & Beggar's Banquet Cocktail 👍🏻
Sensei: RoMa Craft Black Irish & Craft Black & Tan 👎🏻
Jordan: BLK WKS S&R & Craft Black & Tan 👎🏻


Randy: 33%
Robby: 67%

Audience Pairing

Bill Powers: All Saints Saint Patrick's Firecracker & Revolver Cocktail

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