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15 seconds

B12 Injection

1 year ago


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Or my PayPal link is https://paypal.me/ageingdisgracefully?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB

Wise link is mandy_moo_1@hotmail.com


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  • 0/2000
  • Hi Amanda, how long have you been taking it or are you still taking it? wanted to order it too and if so then I‘ll order two packs so that it lasts for a long time😅. Best regards

  • Ohhh ok 😅🤣🤣 thank you so much, I’ve only just seen your live video in the Facebook group and it’s so nice to see you live and unfortunately I couldn’t understand everything (because I don’t speak English very well, I live in Germany) but I’m very curious who is behind them attacks stuck with deleting the YouTube videos ..? So just that you know I and many others from Germany & Europe follow you no matter which channel you are on, I have seen many DIYs but nobody and really nobody is as super super super good as you are and above all you are such an honest person who loves and we appreciate you all ❤️🙏✨💕

  • Sorry to bother you again but i vorgot to ask you do you have to be sober bevor you inject the B12 like Mesocartin? Or does it not matter if you have already eaten something? Thank you in advance 💋

  • Thank you sooo much 💕

  • What size filter noodle do you use? Same size as the 1inch? Thank you, for all you do. 😊

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