Operation ‘Get Trump’ Shifts Into Warp Speed

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Listen to the Trumpet Daily radio program that aired on June 8, 2023.
Visit: www.trumpetdaily.com

[00:30] Democratic Election Interference (17 minutes)

If Donald Trump wasn’t running for president, radical Democrats would leave him alone. But because they are so fearful of his return, they’re ramping up any sort of legal effort they possibly can to imprison him.

[17:30] Pence Abandons January 6 Trespassers (10 minutes)

Mike Pence announced his campaign for the presidency yesterday. During an interview, he was asked about possibly pardoning people who were wrongfully imprisoned for walking through the doors at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Pence said he wouldn’t pardon any of the protesters.

[28:00] Trump Interview (14 minutes)

During a recent interview, Donald Trump said attempts to indict him is a form of election interference. “They’re trying to interfere in the election by doing this,” he said. “And I think they’ll do it because I think they’re crazy.”

[42:00] Trudeau Can’t Pronounce LGBTQ2+ (5 minutes)

The ever woke Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau struggled this week to utter every letter and symbol of LGBTQ2+.

[47:00] Instagram Facilitates Pedophilia (8 minutes)

Earlier this week the Wall Street Journal published an exposé on how Instagram facilitates the distribution of child pornography. At one point, Instagram set up a pop-up screen to warn users they were about to see “images of child sexual abuse,” but it offered a click-through anyway. How is it that these Big Tech companies are able to instantaneously remove content about the 2020 election steal but permit so much criminal activity to go on at the same time?

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