God called Abraham . Judaism 10.

1 year ago

God called Abraham

Abraham was the successor of Noah's son Shem.

God said to Abraham, "Get out of your country, the land of your relatives and ancestors, and go to this country, which I will see you."

I will make you a great nation.

I will bless you, those who call you blessed, I will call them blessed, those who curse you, I will curse them.

All the tribes of the earth will be blessed because of you alone.

Abraham went by God's command,
Ibrahim was accompanied by his nephew.
Abraham took his wife Sariah and his nephew Lot with all the collected goods and men to the land of Canaan. When they arrived in Canaan, the Canaanites lived there at that time.

Then God appeared to Abraham and said to Abraham that I will give this land to your people.

Abraham built an altar for God there, then Abraham traveled southward.

God's covenant with Abraham:

After that, God's word was revealed to Abraham in a dream.
O Ibrahim, do not fear, I am your shield.
I will reward you abundantly.
But Abraham said. O God, what good reward will you give me? While I am still childless.

Will one of my employees inherit my property?
God spoke to Abraham again.
Your servant will not be your heir, but your own son will be your heir.
The Lord took Abraham outside and said to Abraham, "Look at the sky and count the stars. Can you count the stars? Just like your deeds will be innumerable like those in the sky."

Count the stars. Abraham believed in God, God was pleased with him and God fulfilled the promise made to Abraham.

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