Dr Andrew Kaufman: Sally Fallon Morell, Decoding Diets - Get the Fucking Facts! [07.06.2023]

1 year ago

A Brainwashed Moron: “I don’t even know what’s healthy anymore!”

So many of us feel overwhelmed in a sea of conflicting health information around diet and nutrition.

Things aren’t as straightforward as they used to be when your doctor would hand you the “food pyramid” as the blueprint for a healthy diet.

So we turn to wellness gurus, who seem to be thriving!

Keto, Paleo, and Vegan are labels worn with pride to suggest one might have actually cracked the code to being the healthiest human.

But even amongst the most credentialed natural health practitioners, there seems to be debate and contradictory evidence to suggest what is truly healthy… and what’s not.

So many times, I’d try out a diet endorsed by “experts,” and convince myself I was in optimal health, only to experience that white noise fear that says…

… “What if this diet really isn’t good for me? What if I’m not actually getting everything I need?”

And the truth was, that little voice of uncertainty was right.

I want to help you cut through the confusion… and get to the facts.

I’ve asked 6 leading diet experts to present to you the data on Carnivore, Ketogenic (low carb), Weston A. Price, Vegan and Frugivore diets.

When making changes to your diet, it’s easy to start by excluding food groups deemed “unhealthy”... dairy, grains, and even meat.

But often times, removing entire food groups can lead to a rigid approach to food that may not be sustainable in the long-term.

I was relieved to come across the well-documented discoveries of an American dentist, Weston A Price, who traveled the world studying various cultures, and the impact of their diets on their teeth and overall health.

What’s notable about his diet discoveries is that optimal health does not require the exclusion of any major food groups.

In fact, it’s what Weston A. Price diet expert, Sally Fallon Morell, calls the “Yes, you can!” diet...


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