National States Rights Party

1 year ago

During the height of the battle for Civil Rights, white supremacy groups capitalized on the fear of communism to spread hatred against people with black skin. Civil Rights leaders such as Martin Luther King were labeled “communist”. Protesters peacefully marching for equal rights were labeled “communists”. Politicians who supported freedom, especially President John F. Kennedy, were labeled “communists”. Anything used to spread awareness of discrimination and educate the general public about Civil Rights was “communist inspired”.

The National States Rights Party, originally headquartered and receiving mail at a PO Box in William Branham’s hometown of Jeffersonville, Indiana, published a newsletter called “The Thunderbolt” to spread the racist propaganda. Articles were published asking readers to “Break Up Mixed Couples”, and mockingly called Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King, Jr “Lucifer King”.

African Americans were not the only target for white supremacists. Anyone having black skin, including the Jewish Race, were targets. According to the propaganda, Communism was a result of the “false Jews” collaborating with Russia, while white Americans or Britains were included in the remnant of a mythical “lost tribe of Israel” through the British Israel doctrine.

Many of these themes made their way into the Post WWII Healing Revivals, and many leaders of the Revivals openly supported the white supremacy agendas. In the heat of the battle in the early 1960s, William Branham, the leader of the Revival, openly declared his allegiance to many things published in the newsletter. While it is unclear whether or not Branham or the men working with him received the mail for the National States Rights Party in Jeffersonville, Branham himself made it very clear that he was in agreement with the propaganda in the newsletter and helped spread it.

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