How many days did Noah's storm last?Judaism part 8.

1 year ago

Storm Noah

When God saw that man's wickedness had increased greatly on earth.

And the thoughts of man have become evil
Then God was pleased to create man,
And he declared that I will wipe out the man whom I created from this world, but I will also wipe out the cattle and the birds.

Judaism But God was pleased with Noah because Noah was righteous and blameless.

God commanded Noah to build an ark.

God told Noah that I am going to bring a flood on the earth that will destroy every living thing in the world.
Therefore, you should take your wife, sons and daughters-in-law with you in the boat.

Also take two pairs of each kind of birds and animals so that you all may live.

Bring food for all of them. It rained for forty days as the water on the ground continued to rise and the boat rose.

The flood water rose so high that even the highest mountains were submerged.

The boat floated on the surface of the water.
God destroyed every living thing, even the birds and the cattle.

Only Noah and the children in the ark survived.

The rains stopped, after one hundred and fifty days the water gradually receded. Finally the boat stopped at Mount Ararat.

Noah came out of the ark with his wife, his sons and daughters-in-law also came out of the ark.

After them cattle, birds and all kinds of other animals also came out.

God said to Noah and his sons, I have blessed you.

You flourish, flourish and populate the earth and now spread over the earth with all the families and living beings.

I promise you that I will never again destroy the living things of the earth with a flood.

God said that it is in the covenant between Him and you and with all living things.

To mark this covenant I make rainbows in the clouds.

Whenever I send a cloud, this rainbow will be the symbol of that covenant.

A rainbow appeared.
It was a sign of the covenant that God made with Noah and other living creatures.

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