sexual liberation...don't have sex *you're welcome (ag standup @ bobby's)

1 year ago

this whole "profession" or whatever the fuck
commit suicide on stage that's what we do in various ways
don't apologize, that was the best part
the amish really vindicate martin luther
this is more life advice than anything
i don't feed vultures that's why i am the healthiest mf in america
depressed n anxious cos you're not making the pharmaceutical companies enough $
i will have my cake AND eat it too
true definitions of everything
just in case i get called an anti-semite
get ready for schizophrenia if you smoke cannabis
if you don't kill yourself you can do standup, bet chu feel so lucky
freedom of speech needs to be 5min or less
say interesting things you earn additional minutes
twitter is wrong n satanic
ronnit wants that whipped cream *she finished it
amy cleans up her messes

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