Oxfam SLAMMED for BULLSH*T apology after slamming biological women | Redacted with Natali Morris

1 year ago

Oxfam SLAMMED for BULLSH*T apology after slamming biological women | Redacted with Natali Morris


Jun 7, 2023 #redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris
Oxfam International has apologized for a LGBTQIA+ video that featured caricatures of TERFs. TERF is a an acronym for “trans exclusionary radical feminist.” TERF is often a rally cry against middle-age women who question gender ideology. Oxfam removed those images and re-posted a new version and said that they are sorry for using “the term TERF and the offense it caused. There was no intention by Oxfam or the film-makers for this slide to have portrayed any particular person or people.” They say they respect people’s rights to “hold their philosophical beliefs.” As if a belief in sex is philosophical. Lol.

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