America the warmonger BULLIED by China in the Taiwan Strait?!

1 year ago

America the warmonger BULLIED by China in the Taiwan Strait?! 美國這個戰爭販子在台海被中國欺負?!

The Western media was in a flutter again after a Chinese warship apparently bullied Washington by coming “dangerously close” to a US destroyer. That sounds terrifying, doesn’t it? I wonder where it happened. Was it off the coast of Hawai’i? Maybe near California? No, in fact it wasn’t anywhere near the United States. It happened all the way over here, between China’s mainland and the island of Taiwan. Today, we’ll take a closer look. This is Reports on China, I’m Andy Boreham in Shanghai. Let’s get reporting! 一艘中國軍艦“危險地靠近”美國驅逐艦,顯然是在欺負華盛頓,西方媒體再次沸騰了。 這聽起來很可怕,不是嗎? 我想知道它發生在哪裡。 是在夏威夷海岸外嗎? 也許在加利福尼亞附近? 不,事實上它不在美國附近的任何地方。 它發生在這裡,在中國大陸和台灣島之間。 今天,我們來仔細看看。 這裡是中國報導,我是上海的 Andy Boreham。 讓我們開始報導吧!

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