Why They Lie Part 2

1 year ago

In the wake of the notorious "2022 grand finale" that hasn't materialized yet, earnest truthseekers are once again at the mercy of the BWCWS (Boy Who Cried Wolf Syndrome). While most are gratified for the additional time to prepare, recognizing the socio-political signs of the coming dystopia, others are emboldened into thinking there won't be any cataclysmic events beyond what the world experiences on a regular basis, while still others despair or become ever more cynical. The masses are increasingly aware of how their governments, the mainstream media, and virtually every other authority from the financial, healthcare, and education systems as well as the corporations of Big Tech, social media and pop culture are not only brazenly lying but forcing an evil transhumanist agenda down our throats. Those institutions, established to maintain control over the common man, would like to see the public at each others' throats, at war between themselves rather than united in opposing and exposing their evil agenda, because time really IS short.
#zetatalk #DeepStateLies #NewMadrid #civilwar #FakeNews #culturewars

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