LGBTQ grooming worsening — We must STOP the madness! Dr. Duke Pesta

1 year ago

As Pride month rolls in LGBTQ+ activism is getting worse by the hour, and parents MUST pull their kids out of public schools as soon as possible, guest host Dr. Duke Pesta, director of Freedom Project Academy, explained on The Sentinel Report.

Dr. Duke urged parents to be alert about all the ways that they can protect their kids from the sickening agendas of the LGBTQ+ activists. From Minnesota to even Wisconsin, the LGBTQ+ lobby is in full force.

There are new bills being introduced by Wisconsin, Arizona, Hawaii, and other states, that would criminalize ownership of new sex dolls, robots and mannequins, that are being made in the forms of innocent children—yes children!

We must wake up concerned parents and conservatives as to what they can do to make sure that these good bills get passed and that their children are protected from these heinous agendas of the LGBTQ+ activists and pedophiles.

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