EP. 35 - Ten Essential Maxims & Precepts in Commercial Law - IMPORTANT!

1 year ago

The e l i t e s created your birth certificate to make you a vessel under the Law of WATER/ADMIRALTY/MARITIME LAW where W= water, so that you can contract and do business as a "legal-entity". Because a corporation cannot do business with a natural man or woman, only with another legal-entity... then you begin to see and realize the deception, fraud, and how our entire judicial system operates "under water". And we are all on that sinking ship called the United States of America Corporation. That we are really "corpserations" and "dead in the water" so to speak, and were considered dead at sea after 7 years. If no one claimed us (and no one told us to) we basically becomes wards of the state.

Ten Essential Maxims & Precepts in Commercial Law Link: https://understandcontractlawandyouwin.com/wp-content/uploads/wp-post-to-pdf-cache/1/ten-essential-maxims-precepts-commercial-law.pdf

Symbology, word-magic, double-meanings, spelling, casting, dna manipulating ... its deception at its highest levels and we are the guinea pigs of this sick project. Since they do not teach us this in school and also hide this information from common knowledge, we MUST learn how to use the LAWS to TRUMP all codes, regulations, statutes, policies and procedures which are immoral and not of God. They violate our rights under the Constitution.

Break down the English language and its "root words" to discover their true meanings. The English lan-gu-age was created to dumb us down and keep us slaves, under a system & evil force that is trying to depopulate our world, and turn us all into slaves using a World Central Bank Digital Currency System for 100% surveillance and control over our lives. We must resist this at all cost, or our children will never even dream of revolution. We must ACT & SPEAK OUT NOW!

It's time we STAND TOGETHER and unite!

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Please have an open mind, and always question everything! God will give you discernment. Go within, pray, meditate and deprogram from this Matrix we were born into. The only way out, is in! We have been taught to live outside ourselves. It's time to start grasping on to the present with both feet firmly planted in the dirt!


Would you please take a moment of your time and Like this video and Subscribe to my channel? Let's get the truth out together, and become part of a movement to save the world!

What About the Children Documentary Link exposing the truth about child trafficking: https://rumble.com/v2c461m-what-about-the-children-exposing-hollywoodpoliticiansthe-elite-and-their-cr.html

If you are interested in learning more about how to become an American National, exit the tax club and take your first step towards SOVEREIGNTY, please email me directly at: onenewearth@protonmail.com to schedule a free Zoom Meeting to learn more!!!

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Looking to be the best you can be health-wise? If so, check out this link to the new HYDROGEN WATER that is available on the market and the owner is a friend of mine! Support small businesses ONLY... that's what I do! I've given up all the big CONGLOMERATES full-stop! That is another way we fight these cabal companies that are destroying our entire world! You will not be disappointed with the water it is the BEST!!!! We always thought the alkaline levels were the key to good water, but it is the HYDROGEN in the water that reduces inflammation and helps heal the body. Do you want to find out more? Visit this link to find out more, and by purchasing a unit you are supporting One New Earth in our mission to free the minds of those who are still enslaved, and move towards a world that is FREE! Find out more by clicking here!

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BECOME PART OF A MOVEMENT TO SAVE THE WORLD, and please consider giving today towards this movement of SOVEREIGNTY AND FREEDOM! Right now I am a one woman show, so all aloha is appreciated!

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