Stop the fearmongering on AI, urges Microsoft - The Times

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Stop the fearmongering on AI, urges Microsoft - The Times

AI experts who warned about the technology wiping out humanity should dial down their warnings, the digital minister and Microsoft’s president have said. Brad Smith, the vice-chairman and president of Microsoft, called on those in the “fear parade” to “ratchet down the rhetoric”. Paul Scully, the tech and digital minister, said that a doom-laden narrative did not lend itself to thoughtful policymaking. Both made their pleas after a series of alarming warnings about AI. Matt Clifford predicted that in two years’ time, AI systems would be powerful enough to “kill many humans” JEFF OVERS/BBC Matt Clifford, an adviser to the prime minister, said on Monday that AI systems would be powerful enough to “kill many humans” in two years. Last week Sam Altman, the boss of OpenAI, which developed ChatGPT, signed a statement along with hundreds of leading voices in the field calling for a

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