1 year ago

Recently, I’ve began to rewatch a certain show I hold dearly close even with its many flaws.

It’s strength in writing memorable and incredible characters is an undeniable shining strength along with other aspects such as it’s great world building, set design and action sequences - Course I am obviously talking about Fox’s “Gotham” that ran for five seasons, depicting an ‘elseworld’-esque prequel of the Batman mythology.

From Jim Gordon starting as a self-righteous and arrogant detective who gets flung into the violent corrupt deep end of Gotham, meeting crime pillars such as Falcone and Maroni, encountering and taking down corrupted Narcotics detective Flass, Commissioner Loeb, befriending Harvey Bullock and having him become a better man for it.

But in Series 2, Gordon becomes increasingly more morally flexible when it comes to the law, foreshadowing how he would be Okay with working with a masked vigilante like Batman.

Speaking of Batman…

It’s really interesting to see a more in-depth, slow-burn approach to Bruce Wayne becoming his own detective — literally inspired by Gordon, developing his own deductive skills, investigating the crimes of Wayne Enterprises. I like how we see him develop his stoic nature, his affectionate but estranged relationship with Selina Kyle and of course his stubbornness.

I also just really love the atmosphere and world building of the show. Throughout Series 1 to 2, we get to fully immerse ourselves in the densely packed rotten streets of Gotham, the criminal underworld, the crazy gothic (and hiding something sinister below…) Arkham Asylum, the oppressive nightmare that is Blackgate. The G.C.P.D even has a very distinct and memorable set (as do all the other locations). It makes the city feel tangible and real but with the show’s often silly and unpredictable tone balanced with the sincere and serious dialogue— it really feels like a comic book translated to screen lol. I just love how this show builds up its characters, presents the world of Gotham and perfectly foreshadows and builds up to the inevitable rise of the Dark Knight.

As I write this, I’m halfway through Season 3 on my rewatch and Season 3 may actually be my favourite quite honestly. It was in this season Jim Gordon faced his demons and confronted himself… it’s where the backdrop of this little tribute originates… a sort of dream sequence where Jim reconnects with the memory of his heroic deceased father and remembers who he is.

I find it pretty amazing how in a sense this show is all about passing on morals and lessons to younger generations, the show is so old-school at first but modernises as time goes on. It really gives the world this relatable yet timeless aesthetic.

Jim Gordon was inspired by his father to become a detective and help others and Bruce Wayne was inspired by Jim Gordon. In this show, Jim Gordon is who inspired Batman - a precursor to The Dark Knight.

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