PUSH THROUGH FEAR - Motivational Speech

1 year ago

PUSH THROUGH FEAR - Motivational Speech
#overcomefear #motivationalspeech #disciplinedthinking
Push through fear,
It's time to make a change,
Don't let it hold you back,
It's time to break those chains.

Step out of your comfort zone,
Take a leap of faith,
You'll never know what's possible,
Unless you take that first brave step.

You may stumble, you may fall,
But that's how you learn and grow,
Pick yourself up, dust off your knees,
And give it another go.

Fear can be a powerful force,
But don't let it control your life,
With each step forward, you'll gain strength,
And conquer your internal strife.

So push through fear, my friend,
And keep moving forward with might,
For on the other side of fear,
Is a world of endless light.

Mel Robbins
Coach Pain
Mat Wilson
Les Brown
Brian Tracy
Chris Ross
Coach Gabe
Eric Thomas

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