1 year ago

Hybrid animals is when two closely related animal species mate and reproduce. Common examples include a mule, which is a cross between a horse and a donkey, and a Zebrasno, which is a cross between a donkey and a zebra. Although turkeys and peacocks have a unique appearance, they are completely different species. They don't share enough chromosomal similarities for reproduction to be a possibility. Even if you hear someone say they've seen a turkey-peacock hybrid, that's simply not true. However, there are certain birds that appear to be a hybrid product of a turkey and a peacock, which is why this common myth continues to persist. This bird species can be found in Mexico, Belize and Guatemala, it has a unique coloration, but there's a good chance you've never seen it. The ocellated turkey lives in a very small area on the Yucatan Peninsula, and although it is not an endangered species, not many are still alive. In terms of appearance, this is a definite candidate for a peacock-turkey hybrid. The turkey's hind feathers are an iridescent blue and bronze. Even female turkeys have bold, similar colors. As for the tails, they are spiked at the back like traditional turkeys. Both males and females of this species have eyespots on their tail feathers, similar to traditional peacocks. Another animal that looks like a peacock turkey hybrid is actually a completely different species which is the gray peafowl. The gray peacock has tail feathers similar to those of a turkey. They lie straight in the back. The tail feathers also have eye spots, although they are much smaller than a peacock's. In addition, the gray peacock's body has different shades of dark gray. There are green eyespots on the tail feathers on the body, but the feathers themselves are not colored. If you do a quick search for peacock turkey hybrids, you'll find a bunch of stunning photos that hint at their existence. You can even find some people who emphatically claim that they have seen this hybrid in the wild. Unfortunately, if you look closely at the photos, you'll notice that they are actually edited images. You can do a lot with an image, including creating a completely new species. The reality is that a turkey-peacock hybrid does not exist.

#NaturalWorld! #OcellatedTurkey

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