07 Jun 23, Jesus 911: The Diabolic Roots of the Transgender Movement

1 year ago

Today's Topics:

1) The diabolic roots of the transgender movement

2) Does God hear the prayers of a person in unconfessed, unrepentant mortal sin?

3) Movie trailer: The Possession - Based on the true story of a young girl who buys an antique box at a yard sale, unaware that inside the collectible lives a malicious ancient spirit. The girl's father teams with his ex-wife to find a way to end the curse upon their child. They take them to Jewish Rabbis to perform exorcisms. Can Rabbis perform exorcisms?

4) In the section on diabolical obsession (pages 276-279). Father talks about three kinds of anxiety and quotes Saint Thomas Aquinas. Anxiety as it relates to sorrow is explained. Question: It seems like we are all waiting for some future evil to occur and and cannot see how it can be diverted and that it will probably last for awhile. Please expound on this if you can. I see this in my husband and maybe in myself. I was under the prayerful impression that I have been feeling the sorrows of Mother Mary. We have not lost hope….Thank you for any attention or comments you can make regarding this

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