The destruction of your nation is happening in front of your eyes 06-06-23

1 year ago

Some of us know about this and are actively opposing this government led agenda to destroy our nation and some of us choose not to know. To the latter I would say ‘Shame on you’. In years to come how will you explain your non actions to your children and your grandchildren. You may not be ashamed of yourself now as you block the destruction of this nation out of your mind but a future generation will be more observant and less charitable towards you as your non-deeds will be viewed as providing the framework that allowed evil to thrive. Redeem yourself while there is still time, do what others are doing, confront this destructive policy of government that creates a society that will be unsafe for your children, a society where housing and accommodation will be unreachable to most, where health services and education will be so overstretched as to be non existent, where the debate of the future will be to impose or not impose Sharia Law and where the Ireland that we know and love will be truly a nation that no longer exists. Don’t tell me that you can do nothing about this, all over Ireland decent and concerned citizens are standing up to the threats that mass inward migration brings. You could be there too, there is no excuse not to, get active, play your part and be proud.

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