How To Run Facebook Ads For Solar Companies |Generate Leads In 2023 Marketing Campaign Door Knocking

1 year ago

How To Run Facebook Ads For Solar Companies |Generate Leads In 2023 Marketing Campaign Door Knocking

Solar Facebook ads are a great way to get a lot of solid solar leads. Learn how it all works with Facebook lead generation ad examples here.

Did you know that nearly 80% of marketers who utilize Facebook for lead generation see an average cost per lead of under $25? Not only that, but for many industries, the cost per click of Facebook ads remains well under a dollar.

So, what does this mean for you if you’re looking to generate leads with solar Facebook ads? If you’re a residential solar company, then it’s likely that you’re always on the lookout for new solar marketing tips.

With the above stats in mind, it means that if you’re not using Facebook ads and performing lead generation for solar, you’re missing out. In this article, we’ll show you how to create a Facebook ad campaign that effectively targets homeowners interested in solar energy and incentives.

from Invention Solar, making Facebook Ads was not only a business goal and personal goal, but it also became a “mission of mercy”. After working for about 20 years prior I discovered the business of residential solar. I was running my LinkedIn system and messaged a college friend who set me up as a marketing consultant for a home solar company in New Jersey. As their Chief Marketing Officer, I brought new talented employees to the company and managed the rebranding of the company, and eventually grew the company to one of the largest residential solar companies in the Northeast.

Movement is key. Think quickly changing scenes or text overlays that flash on the screen. And don’t forget about your messaging. Lead with incentives, less is more, and structure your ad copy like a Q&A or problem-and-solution scenario.

It may take a little extra effort but building Facebook Ad videos with these elements can help boost engagement and conversions. People like immediate gratification and WIIFM (what’s in it for me?) think of this when you are preparing your ad copy. What can you give them to get their information?

My team has used drone footage on home solar systems with messaging. You need to show them things they have never seen before. Video content is king.

Understand Your Budget
When it comes to running successful Facebook advertising campaigns, understanding your ad budget is crucial. It’s important to make sure you have enough funds to run your ad for the amount of time you want, and also to track any ad spend.

And when it comes to budgeting for your ad, experimentation is key. Try playing around with various times of day for ad placement and see what works best for your audience. Examine the data results and continually evaluate and refine your ad placements for maximum effectiveness. We have found that the afternoon into the evening is a suitable time to run Facebook and Instagram Ads, but this does depend on the geographical area.

You can do this type of marketing with hundreds of dollars in a specific location but, to make this work you need to spend thousands of dollars and run campaigns for weeks at a time. If you can get an appointment to sit for under $200 you are going down the right road. Remember these are leads with intent and these leads are exclusive to your solar company.

Our team does what it can to dial in leads at $25 and under but this does depend on the geographical area. Many US states are new to residential solar and in other states, solar has been around for 15 years already. Also, depending upon the size of your audience and budget will deem how quickly your ad is pushed to the user. After you circulate through the audience with the same ad a couple of times you will begin to see the degradation of ad performance. Therefore, it is important to have different ads and equitable audience sizes.

Track Your KPIs
When it comes to running Facebook ads for solar leads, tracking your statistics and key performance indicators is essential. Testing different variations of your ad will help you fine-tune your approach and find what works best.

To track all your campaigns and the overall lead-generation strategy you need to make sure you have your Facebook pixel installed correctly on your website. There are many details involved with installing the pixels correctly on your website and form widget step location. Make sure you really spend the time understanding how the tracking pixel system works and laying out the marketing funnel with pixels in the right locations.

Now it’s time to calculate your marketing spend alongside your sales. These are the major buckets you should be tracking:

Marketing Spend – how much you have spent
Impressions – the number of ads served to Facebook and Instagram active users
Leads (CPL) – the number of complete lead form submissions
Appointments Confirmed – the number of leads you were able to contact and schedule an appointment.
Appointments that Sit – the number of appointments that sit/

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